Women spend more time on their feet than men at home, and wear shoes with heels that aggravate foot problems at work. Their unique bodies and circumstances call for extra precautions related to the foot. Following are general guidelines for four issues specific to women's foot health:


High Heels

Category: Foot Care, Women's Feet
Women invite foot problems by wearing high heels. High heels may contribute to knee and back problems, disabling injuries in falls, shortened calf muscles, and an awkward, unnatural gait. In time, high heels may cause enough changes in the feet to impair their proper function. Most women admit high heels...




Category: Foot Care, Women's Feet
Pregnant women need to observe good foot health to prevent pain and discomfort. Since the body undergoes changes and acquires a new weight-bearing stance, women should wear shoes with broad-based heels that provide support and absorb shock. Additional body weight also calls for more support, to prevent...




Category: Foot Care, Women's Feet
Women who always wear nylon pantyhose expose themselves to a host of foot problems. Nylon doesn't breathe and the heat that it generates and traps can lead to excessive perspiration. A warm, damp area is an ideal place for fungal infections such as Athlete's Foot. Inexpensive nylon pantyhose can also...



Women Over 65

Category: Foot Care, Women's Feet
Older women have more trouble with their feet than younger ones, often because fat pads on the bottom of the feet tend to deteriorate in the aging process. Many foot problems for older women can be alleviated simply by wearing properly fitted, well-constructed shoes that provide cushioning and have a...


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